Our Journal

Started as The Bulletin in April 1951 and renamed The Formation Sign in 1967, our quarterly Journal has been regularly published for over fifty years. It has had only six editors during that time, two of them, John Waring and Brian L Davis holding the post for over twenty years each.

The Journal has always contained illustrations of cloth badges. In the first issues these were hand-drawn and coloured by Major and Mrs Waring but the number of members soon precluded this. With the advent of colour photocopiers and under the editorship of Brian L Davis, colour pages were introduced from issue 195 in September 1999. Since January 2007 The Journal, now twelve pages and still published quarterly, has been printed in full colour.

The Journal contains full-length articles as well as snippets of information on the origins and use of a wide variety of cloth badges. Contributing members have included W Y (Bill) Carman, Brian L Davis, John Gaylor, John Mollo, Guido Rosignoli, Marc Sherriff, Len Whittaker and Jon Mills, all of whom have published books on aspects of military insignia. Extensive contributions have also come from other members who are experts in their field.

Examples of The Journal from the last fourteen years can be accessed by clicking on the year logos below.

But remember it is only available to Society members.


Download Index to previous issues by Subject and Author

The Formation Sign over the last fourteen years - Click on a year logo to see the front covers and a brief list of contents



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If you would like more information before joining please email militaryheraldrysociety@gmail.com
